CLM CERTIFICATION AND ACCREDITATION TEAM – The CLM Study group continues to meet monthly (watch for our blasts) to focus on areas of interest as Chapter Members prepare for the November 4th exam. The exam is also being offered on April 20, 2020 and November 23, 2020 for those planning for future exams. It’s never too early to start preparing! The June study group featured Henry Macchiaroli and Randy Becker presenting an overview of Financial management. Please contact Team Lead, Mimi DeMars at if you are interested in obtaining study group materials or additional information regarding CLM Certification.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT/SYMPOSIUM TEAM – Are very busy setting the Educational path for our Chapter over the next few months. They held their first education session: “Labor Law Updates”, in June at the offices of Morrison Foerster. The early morning breakfast session was presented by Dean Silverberg, a partner at Epstein Becker P.C., and our resident Labor Law Update expert! Many thanks for his time and true devotion to the topic and practice. Mr. Silverberg provided an update on required sexual harassment training, employee handbook updates and special issues under the FMLA and New York State Paid Family Leave Law. This much anticipated education session was very well attended. Click here for the education session handouts. Check out their progress here on the upcoming Symposium!
In addition to scheduling monthly educational seminars, planning is well underway for the annual Symposium to be held on October 18, 2019! Special thanks to all Members and Business Partners who continue to volunteer with both assistance and knowledge in our Education Sessions and Symposium. Josh Evans, a #1 best-selling author in Leadership/Management Training and organizational specialist has been engaged as our keynote. Hope to see you all there!
Mimi DeMars
Team Lead, Professional Development/Symposium Team
Kit Fong
Co-Lead, Professional Development/Symposium Team
Janine Nedd
Team Lead, Professional Development/Symposium Team