Why Join ALANYC?
By joining ALANYC, you will find a community of peers and colleagues from all areas of legal management. Through networking, educational discussions and real-time discussions, you can find immediate solutions to the challenges you face and learn comprehensive best practices to support your role.
Benefits of your ALANYC Membership
- Networking: Our luncheons, social events, community outreach programs and informal idea exchanges provide unique networking opportunities for members.
- Discussion Forum: Join real-time information exchange, which includes hundreds of chapter members.
- Education: Relevant and cutting edge educational programs that meet the ever-changing professional development needs of our members including luncheon programs, Special Interest Groups, study groups for members aspiring to become a Certified Legal Manager and updates in employment law, technology and other industry trends.
- fitALANYC: Benefit from a holistic approach to membership that encompasses the physical, psychological and nutritional well-being of our members. It offers opportunities for exercise and yoga, mental health awareness and training, nutrition workshops, and wellness training.
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): The chapter works with members, business partners and local organizations on CSR initiatives that support our community, create social impact, promote inclusion and champion environmental awareness.
- ALANYC.org: Our chapter website provides a wealth of information at your fingertips, including a calendar of events, newsletters and many other useful resources.
- Business Partner Information: Our Business Partner vendor services directory is a useful resource for identifying businesses that provide products and services that are unique to the legal community.
- Job Referral: Our job referral service communicates job openings to all members in the New York City Chapter.
- Special Shared Interest Groups: Engage with other members who share common interests to network and share best practices.
- Volunteer Leadership Opportunities: Part of professional development is learning and practicing leadership skills. Do more with your membership by becoming an ALANYC volunteer.
- Building Future Leaders: ALANYC is committed to building future leaders. The chapter sends three representatives to ALA National’s Chapter Leadership Institute each year. At this event, attendees receive in-depth knowledge geared towards developing future chapter leaders.
Online Resources
Your ALANYC membership also allows you access to important online resources:
- HR Resources Bank: Access information, forms and policies on issues that affect your employees
- Diversity Resources: Access to diversity information and resources that can be utilized by your firm
- Forms and Template Library: Access to job descriptions, disaster recovery plans (including CDC COVID/Airborne Infectious Diseases) and various forms related to firm operations
Signature Programming
- Plus, with your membership, you’ll have access to our annual Educational Symposium & Exposition, an event with leading programming in human resources, information technology, law firm management and finance