Submit Your IDEA Today!
4th Annual IDEA Awards Program Open for Entries
For the past three years, ALA’s IDEA (innovation, development, engagement and advancement) Awards program has highlighted incredible initiatives put forward by ALA members, chapters, regions, business partners and firms. Past recipients are highlighted on the ALA website.
What is the IDEA Award? It’s the Innovation, Development, Engagement and Advancement Award from National. As a chapter, we are looking for unique programs, services or events that improve the legal community and advance the business law. There are no predetermined categories, and participants are encouraged to “think outside the box.”
What does Innovation mean? “A new practice (or a new approach to a traditional practice) that delivers great value and transformational impact through an innovative approach. The initiatives can be complex and involved (requiring large amounts of resources and commitment by dozens of individuals) OR simple and easily implemented (with little or no cost or other resources). The main focus is on the IDEA involved.”
Submissions will be reviewed by the IDEA Awards Committee. An entry form can be found here. Entries will be evaluated based on:
Innovation, creativity and originality
Results/success of the project
Significance and long-term impact
Submissions will be accepted through November 28. Get a head start — submit your IDEA today!
Fun fact: In November 2014, we had an IDEA, let’s do it again.
“By contrast, the ALA New York City Chapter’s submission, “Foot in the Door,” was a creative solution on how to get business partners to connect with Chapter Members. Connecting business partners and members is a perennial concern for most chapters, and NYC brainstormed to come up with a new way to address the problem. The creative solution involved chocolate and incentives that hit the sweet spot with everyone! While New York City is a large chapter, the idea is one that chapters of any size could implement.”
Read the full article: