How long does it take to prepare for the exam?
Preparation time will vary depending on an applicant’s knowledge, education and experience and whether the individual is a principal administrator or a functional specialist. Depending on the individual, 6 months to 2 years of independent preparation accompanied by participation in a CLMSM exam study group is beneficial.
Why should I join a study group?
Attaining and maintaining the CLMSM designation is designed to be a continual process of gaining experience and knowledge. In attempting to attain the CLMSM designation, it is important to focus on the process as opposed to merely absorbing the facts that will ensure a passing score on the exam. Many who have participated in CLMSM study groups, whether or not they have taken the exam, will attest to the fact that the study group experience was invaluable to their individual professional development and confidence in their roles as legal administrators.
Participation in a study group provides opportunities for:
When can I apply to take the exam?
You must apply by the application deadline for the exam you wish to take but you must first meet the eligibility requirements.
How long will it take to get my application approved?
Usually within 10 days. You may find following up via telephone or e-mail to be beneficial.
Is it possible for course work I have included on my exam application to be rejected?
Yes. If the course work does not meet the criteria specified in the Information and Application Packet, it may be rejected. You may find it beneficial to have someone who has achieved the CLMSM designation review your course work before you submit the application. Should I tell my firm I’m planning to take the CLMSM exam?
Some administrators seek the support of their firms prior to applying for and taking the exam. In these cases, the firms may provide reimbursement for the application fee, seminars and study materials. Others prefer not to inform their firms until after they have passed the exam.
Will my firm be notified that I have taken the exam?
If you consent, ALA will send a letter to anyone at your firm you wish to be notified that you have passed the exam. If you do not achieve a passing grade, no one will be notified.
When will I receive my exam results?
You will receive written notification approximately 4 weeks after taking the exam.
If I do not achieve a passing grade, can I take the exam again?
Yes. Refer to the program brochure for details on retaking a failed examination.
How long is the term of certification and are there requirements for maintaining it?
The term of certification is three years. To demonstrate that a Certified Legal Manager (CLMSM) has maintained his or her knowledge, skills and abilities, each certificant is required to apply for recertification every three years. This process requires continued participation in educational programs.
For more information or to get started, download the full brochure.