15 Minutes of Meditation Per Day Will Change Your Life

fitALANYC focuses on the physical, psychological and nutritional well-being for your optimal health. We would like to share with you a short guide on titled “15 Minutes of Meditation Per Day Will Change Your Life” The guide is courtesy of Journey Meditation.

Check it out below:

15 Minutes of Meditation Per Day Will Change Your Life

Meditation can have immediate benefits however the most powerful benefits come over time with a consistent daily practice. The following five steps are based on what modern science has taught us about the best practices of habit formation.

1. COMMIT IN WRITING: Why are you interested in meditating? What is it about your life you’d like to improve? Dig deep, be honest, and write it down. Let’s focus on the fact that there are also physical stresses that cause neck tension, and sitting on your couch or lying in bed with your head propped forward is one of them.

To read the complete article, click here.

About Journey Meditation

Helping Employees Live Happier, Healthier, Less-Stressed Lives

Interested in building a more productive, focused and healthier organization? For more information, visit them at www.journeymeditation.com

Mera Kenney

Corporate Wellness Advocate
(518) 928-4697 | mera@journeymeditation.com